I thought I did a post on this ages ago…
Guess I was wrong.
These are my #1 favorite sponges for makeup application. I got mine from from Beauty.com at jaw-dropping (in a bad, not good way) 39.99. I know, I know, a LOT to spend on these damn sponges. But they bring me smiles and perfect foundation application so I feel the purchase is totally justified. Plus one pink eggy lasts a very long time. I don’t wear makeup everyday, and the first egg has lasted over a year with no signs of distress other than when Lucy accidentally played with it, thinking it was a toy (EVERYTHING is Lucy’s toy, dammit).
The included foaming cleanser smells clean and seems to do a decent enough job getting rid of the dingy leftover/dried foundation… enough to turn the pink eggy a shocking hot pink again! I also use a regular anti-bacterial foaming hand soap (bath and bodyworks) to make it squeaky clean, beautifully scented, and rid of all those nasty germs waiting to breed and infect my face.
I wash my pink eggy about once a week. In the beginning you do notice a bit of pink coloring flushing through the water while rinsing your egg. This is harmless and will stop over time.
Usage: Before using, repeatedly squeeze pink eggy under running water. The pink eggy will then drink up the water and swell up to double its regular (dry) size. Squeeze again to get rid of all excess water and proceed to use with makeup! I usually squeeze a bit of foundation (pencil head) on the back of my left hand and use my right hand to work with. The sharp pointy end of the egg is excellent for tight corners like around the nose and lips while the larger round end is great for bigger areas of the face including forehead and cheeks. When using the pink eggy, press, don’t rub. You want to let the skin absorb the foundation not slab it on like warpaint.
It is definitely an investment piece, but once you learn to use and love it, you really wouldn’t want to be without it in your life.
Don’t believe me? Read these other reviews…
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