Simply Superficial was created as the bastard child of a sick and twisted love affair of skincare and makeup. Or a threesome because I'll throw a little bit of health and exercise in along with it. Although I am not a Makeup Artist by day, I do have Makeup Artistry Certification from MUD in Burbank. I haven't been lucky enough to make enough money doing that which I love to keep me in the house and city I choose to live in. I'm also a licensed esthetician, which means I studied the skin and can perform facials for a living- if I so choose. What can I say, I have an extreme fascination for the beauty industry.
Although I do have some sort of qualifications, please take my reviews and what I say with a grain of salt. If you haven't already noticed, I like to joke around, also I haven't practiced makeup for a while (other than on my own darn self) and have yet to make a living off it. So the reviews are from me, my own standpoint, opinions, and may or may not work for you. I would always recommend going to places that have great return policies just for this reason alone.
I am a newlywed with a lovely new home, a fantastic amazing hubby, and two of the cutest dogs in the world. Waiiiiit a sec, I am sensing a bit of doubt here. I know, I know, every damn dog owner claims that their dog is the cutest one of 'em all... so I shall furnish proof.
We are enjoying the beginnings of our mini family and having a grand old time while we're at it!
Makeup should be the paint in which we ladies color the world... so have fun with it!
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